
At about 4 weeks old, I noticed Charis began smiling. It wasn’t her "I’m falling asleep and cannot control my facial muscles" type of smiling. It was responsive smiling. I smiled at her. She smiled back.

The first couple times she did it, I about fell over. I thought it was a figment of my imagination. I had to ask Stephen to confirm that he too, was seeing her smile. Surely enough, that week as I was reading Baby Wise, they said babies can begin smiling at her age.

The better she sleeps during nap time and the more alert she is when she is awake, the more she smiles. Waking her up in the morning has become one of my favorite parts of the day. By that point, I have not seen her pleasant face for hours. Her smile has a way of lifting my spirits. I hope it boosts your day as well!

(And yes, milk is pouring out the left side of her mouth, as usual)


Anonymous said...

ah her smile is too cute.
this blog is too adorable.
i mean...the baby who is
written about...not the
actual blog...

Pat McCombie said...

She is just the cutest little thing!! It's such a joy to login and see that precious little baby. I so look forward to it. Love, Mom

Jen said...


I agree, the blog is not particularly adorable, but the little girl surely is.

Jen said...


I'm glad it means so much to you. I look forward to having the memories for myself even!