
Here's a couple sites I love and visit regularly. They say a lot about me, too.

1. Anybody who has ever read this blog already knows I have an obsession with the Weather Channel's website. I check it every morning when I wake up and unfortunately numerous times after. What do you expect? I can't remember the percentage chance of precipitation as easily as you would think.

2. Making lists gives me a "runners high" without the strenuous part. Ahh, getting all the info buzzing around in my head, off my mind feels great. Since I met and fell in love with Remember the Milk, an online to do list and task manager, my life has never been the same. I have lists from "Books To Read" to "To Do Before the Pastors' College" to "To Do This Hour" (just kidding about the last one, but I bet it wouldn't surprise most of you). The simple layout of this site works well for me.

3. Fortunately, Charis takes naps which enables me to have free time (when I am not making my hundredth list of the day or accomplishing tasks from another). One of the ways I enjoy relaxing is watching HGTV online. No cable? No problem. All their shows are free to watch. So far, I have watched the entire season of Design Star 3. Some of the programs are only twenty minutes long, and it's easy to take a quick sit-down without having to catch-up by watching the previous episodes.

4. Finally, Allrecipes is perfect for the non-creative-can't-throw-20-ingredients-into-a-pot-and-it-come-out-fit-to-eat type of cook like me. I search by ingredient, title or even just skim the photos for ideas. Mmm.

Any links you'd recommend I visit?


This past weekend we celebrated Charis' 1st birthday with our families. It's a little early, I know. Since we'll be moved by September 4, we wanted to party with them before we head to the pc. So while she is only 10 months old, here are some pictures from the big day:

I made a cupcake for her so that she wouldn't get her grubbies in the cake. She mushed it around in her fingers, probably enjoying all the attention she was getting more than the taste of the cake. Cute though. We all just stared at her for a good while.

No wonder she was confused. Once, in her whole life, we plead with her to make a mess of her meal for our enjoyment.


1. Whenever Stephen holds her, she grooves, because she remembers he's her fun "dancing dad."
2. As I walk down the stairs with Charis in my arms, she looks all around the whole way down, in search of him. She cocks her head to find him. Let's just say, if he is at work, she is really let down.
3. When he walks in the door from work, she squeals with delight and kicks her legs really, really fast.



Is this what "caught red-handed" means? Charis doesn't miss a thing. All I do is leave the room for two seconds and she grabs the container (that was supposedly out of her reach) and tries to stuff as many puffs as possible into her mouth. Is this any indication of what she is going to be like as a walker?


You must know I loathe the dentist. I am good about making my appointments, but almost as soon as I walk out of the office carefree from my appointment, I begin dreading the next. It's a never-ending cycle. I've never had a cavity, but live in fear of the day I do. . . or even worse. . . a root canal.

I scheduled my dentist appointment for right after Charis' nap so that she would supposedly be in a good mood and supposedly play contentedly for the fifteen minutes (that seems like an eternity when you're in that chair) while my teethe were being cleaned.

First, I was due for x-rays. The nice receptionist lady, we'll call her Glenda, takes Charis for the couple seconds it takes to snap the pic of my teeth. She shows Chairs the fish tank, and while my baby isn't amused, she isn't crying for me. Back in the room and into the stroller. The nice dental hygienist prods my teeth with a mini pitch fork. Charis is fine.

Then, the D.H. leans my chair back. I'm not thinking about the horrible drill-like scrubber that is nearing my mouth, because Charis is starting to lose it. She can't see me anymore and is bombarded with the terribly loud sound of the instrument previously described.

Finally, Glenda comes back in to try to help. No fish tank. No luck. Baby wants her mommy. Then, Glenda asks if she can set my little girlie on my lap. Problem solved. And there she was, happy as can be, for the rest of my appointment. Not a peep (except ones of glee).

No cavities. Each got a toothbrush out of it. I'm already dreading my next appointment.


If you ever wondered what it would be like if you could only move backwards, this is a picture of the pinches you'd get yourself into. Your directional challenge would leave you stuck and crying for help. She'll learn.