
Beside our families, friends and church, there is something Stephen and I greatly miss about home: the Steelers! Oh how we took for granted those Sunday afternoons when we cheered on black and gold in our cozy familyroom. Not so much anymore. The games don't regularly play here. However, this Sunday they played on prime-time. I enjoyed the first half of the game with Stephen, but fell asleep for the second. Cuddling on the couch like the good 'ol days.

Fortunately, at my baby shower, M.B. hooked us up with some suh-weet Steeler baby wear. Here, Charis styled her pretty-in-pink outfit, and as you can see, she's real enthused. GO STEELERS. For this year, M.B. has given our girly a black and gold cheerleader outfit. Pink was fine when we were in Steeler territory, but now that we're in MD, she's got to wear the team colors so there's no mistaking it.


Megan said...

Isabel is wearing her Red Sox shirt today.
Hey and she's feeling better today too.
You want to do something Wednesday or Friday?

Jen said...

Haha. Sporty gals already!

So glad to hear she's feeling better. I hope you got out today...for her sanity and yours:)

Anonymous said...

It's so funny to see how much Charis has changed since January (I think that's around when you took that picture) You tend to forget until you see an old picture. You can obviously see how much she cares about the Steelers! Pat

Jen said...

Isn't it funny to look back? That picture makes me laugh!