
One theme that God has been impressing on my heart over the past two weeks is that He gives grace to the humble. Most of what I am saying, is a paraphrase of Betsy or from Scripture, no original thoughts whatsoever.

At our first ladies' get-together, Betsy said something that struck a cord with me. There is only one result of humility: grace. The amount of grace that I desire must be matched by my humility. Let no sin go un-confessed. No question unasked. There, God will meet me. He will make me more like Christ, reveal Himself to me and increase my love for him. I am encouraged to jump into this year and live as an open book.

Of course that sounds fine and dandy, but I know my pride tempts me to mask my sin, crave to appear without fault and live independent of the Lord. My prayer has been that God would do a work in me, make me humble.

Now is this all depending on my effort? my doing? my determination? Certainly not. There is hope for me this year because of who He is. He has died on the cross so that I may find forgiveness of sin and grace to help in my need and the Spirit to work to change me. That is where my hope lies.

What rich friendships and counsel I have found, in the Lord, fellow pc wives, roomies and leadership!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jen, for sharing that---especially what Betsy said. I want to be more and more humble but my heart keeps churning out elevated thoughts about myself. How ridiculous!!! I'm glad God is in charge of changing me. The more He humbles me, the happier I am. Jesus is so incredible. How can we not love Him more and more?

Keep it coming!

Jen said...

Thanks for your encouragement. I coming to terms with there always being that tension. Love you.