
Stinky and Sticky

The biggest challenge in the Altrogge household presently is getting Charis to drink from a sippy cup (only kidding about the challenge part). Leave the valve-stopper-thinga-magigger in the lid, and she doesn't understand the concept of sucking to get some juice. Take it out, and well, need I explain that there ends up being more juice on her clothes than there is in the cup or her belly. No one told my how stinky and sticky apple juice becomes, when in contact with a little girl's body.


janelle said...

She's drinking juice now?
Oh my Oh my!!!
I'm coming over for a visit sometime soon...

Jen said...

Haha, you're always welcome. Nice bumpin' into you today! Maybe we should just shoot for being spontaneous from now on.

Briana Almengor said...

That's alright...my baby girl, Bella, is going on 15 months and still wants to only drink from her bottle. With the 2nd time around, I'm a bit less concerned...they're not going to drink from a bottle forever...they won't...really, they won't. Remember this (i.e. they won't be in diapers forever)when it comes time to potty train, too..it'll save you a lot of frustration. :)
Sometimes (at least w/ my guys), I have found the harder I try to transition them developmentally, the harder it is on everyone vs. waiting a little, trying again when they're more ready.