
Over the course of Charis' short life, it has been evident to Stephen and I that she has been a bit behind in her gross motor skills (rolling over, crawling, cruising, etc). She was always at the tail end of the curve, but never to the point where her pediatrician was concerned. Then, at her one-year appointment, the doctor suggested we contact the Infant and Toddler Developmental Center to have her evaluated. We moved forward, knowing there is no harm in getting a free evaluation at our home by professionals.

Today, three women came to evaluate Charis. Gratefully, she was her chipper , pleasant self, so I felt their assessment was accurate. They evaluated her gross motor skills, fine motor skills, expressive language, receptive language and social skills. As we predicted, she scored average to above average in all areas except gross motor skills. She qualifies for physical therapy, and we are going to move forward.

There is no major concern here. The fact that she is developing and not regressing is a good sign. It seems as though she just needs a nudge in the right direction, and the therapy will provide that.

And God has answered our prayers, for in the last two months Charis has started rolling over, moving from stomach to sitting, crawling on all fours, pointing, climbing over Stephen and I like a maniac and trying to pull up to furniture.


Megan said...

How kind of the Lord to provide this evaluation opportunity. Thanks for keeping us posted! We love that little girl :-)

Amanda said...

I was going to ask you about that...I'll be praying for her physical therapy! I'm encouraged by your trust in the Lord in this instead of worry!

Anonymous said...

she's up on all fours!!!! look at how hard she's working---with her little baby tongue hanging out of her mouth. talk about regression--- if i don't get to see her soon, i might start to regress into teen-ager hood or something... that would be very bad, so get her up here.


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful that you are able to give her this "nudge." I, too, am encouraged by your trust in the Lord, and I am thankful that Charis is able to get this extra help right now - it is so lavish of God to provide so many different giftings to people that we can benefit from!