

Am I ever alone? What about when I lack passion in my devotions in the morning? I feel dry and empty. What about the nights I spend awake because of this trial I am in? You don't know the fears that rise as darkness falls. What about my unfulfilled dreams? You haven't experienced my disappointment.

Jesus was the only one who was ever truly alone. At the cross, He cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 27:46). For all the times I feel alone, this truth can penetrate the lies my heart so quickly believes, the looking inward, rather than upward. Because Christ died on the cross in my place, I will never be alone. His nearness is completely independent of my feelings. So whenever I am up at night, unable to turn my mind off because of some earthly care, my Father is near.

What more could demonstrate God's love to His children than the cross? I can say with confidence, "He will never leave me or forsake me."

This was a rich word of encouragement that Betsy had for one of the wives, which I am sure ministered to us all.

Photo by Sismoon.


Megan said...

yep, thanks for posting this.

janelle said...

thanks for sharing that!
today i will try to look upward instead of inward because God has already showed His love for me in the greatest way possible

Stephanie said...

Amen, sister! How easy it is to get trapped in our feelings, though there is the glorious truth of God's nearness to behold. Thanks for posting.

Miss you.