This morning I woke up, and before I drank my cup of coffee, had a clear thought in my head or opened my eyes the whole way, dinner was already cooking. Oh the joys of a slow cooker. Whoever invented it, deserves a high five.
I am curious to know what's going on in your lives outside of the blog-world. I thought I'd pass along the recipe for what we're having for dinner tonight . . . on one condition: you have to tell me what's on your menu. Will you use a recipe, make it up, order take-out or serve up a bowl of cereal? Leave a comment and your recipe, if you'd like. I could always use some new dinner ideas to change things up.
Barbecued Beef Sandwiches
- 1 1/2 cups ketchup
- 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
- 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
- 2 tablespoons prepared Dijon-style mustard
- 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 (4 pound) boneless chuck roast
- buns
- In slow cooker dish, combine ketchup, brown sugar, red wine vinegar, Dijon-style mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and liquid smoke. Stir in salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
- Place chuck roast in the slow cooker. Cover with sauce, and cook on Low for 8 to 10 hours.
- Remove chuck roast from slow cooker, shred with a fork, and return to the slow cooker. Stir meat to evenly coat with sauce. Continue cooking approximately 1 hour.
Note: It's hard to go wrong with this one. I normally just estimate amounts and throw the stuff in. We don't have liquid smoke, so I just put in a pinch of cayenne pepper.
This is one of our favorites. Enjoy!
Micah 7:19, "You will . . . hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea."
"The picture is of God vigorously disposing of our sings by hurling them overboard. He doesn't just drop them over the side or even pitch them overboard. He hurls them as something to be rid of and forgotten" (Jerry Bridges, The Gospel for Real Life).
Corrie ten Boom said, "And then God put up a sign saying, 'No fishing allowed.'" Why would He do this?
"Because she knew that we tend to drag up our old sins, that we tend to live under a vague sense of guilt. She knew that we are not nearly as vigorous in appropriating God's forgiveness as He is in extending it" (J.B.)
Let's run to the cross and find forgiveness!
For those of you whom we have not had a chance to tell personally, Stephen has "officially" been accepted into the Sovereign Grace Pastors' College class of 2008-09. His classes will begin August 26 and last for ten months. As you know, we were headed there last fall, but we had a little surprise named Charis. Huge blessing. Now our little family is ready to go. We are in the midst of lining up our housing at this point and all the other details will soon follow. I'll keep you posted.
Yesterday after we got home from church, Stephen was changing Charis' diaper, and he yelled to me, "Jen, what's she doin'? She's got underpants on. Why's Charis wearin' underpants?"
Then I proceeded to explain, "Stephen, they're not "underpants" they're just the matching bottoms to cover her diaper when she has a dress on." Well, he still found it pretty funny, and brought her out like this to give me a good Mothers' Day laugh. Just curious, doesn't the word "underpants" sound like something they would've said in the 1920's?(By the way, how does one remove the yellow coloration on a baby's face?)
It's finally here. The long awaited album from Sovereign Grace is out! Come Weary Saints is, "an invitation to redirect your focus to the God whose love has been forever demonstrated at the cross of Calvary."
I am not in a difficult trial in this season of my life, but as you well know, each day holds "light afflictions" that leave us with two choices. Grumble and complain. Or we can rejoice and trust God. This cd has helped me do the latter through it's edifying words and catchy beats.
As sickness has been making its rounds in our little family, my father-in-law's song, "Healing in Your Wings" is of particular encouragement. Even in sickness, God is good and loving and merciful in all his dealings. These songs help me to remember truth when I am tired and struggle to compose my own accurate thoughts about God's character.
You are always good and loving
Merciful in all your dealings
Shining like the sun
Rising up with healing in your wings
We're asking ourselves, "Why spend time reading spiritual books?" What good are they? Is it worth the time? Yesterday, we saw that there is value in seeing the Lord, His word and the Gospel, through the eyes of others. Today we'll add to that.
God has gifted some in teaching, and it is our joy to learn from them. Most would admit they don't have the knack for teaching. They're the ones who, when asked at caregroup to sum up last Sunday's message, answer in a quiet, shrill voice, "Well, uhh, I think his point was uhh something...something pertaining to Jesus...or the Bible?" That would be me. John Piper, however, has a gift of writing clear, thought-provoking and life-altering books. God uses his gift of teaching, through the books he writes. While no one wants to read a book on joy by me, it is our delight to read the works of those wiser, in order that we may see the Lord more fully.
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." (I Corinthians 13:12)
Do you have anything to add to our list? Share it in the comments, I'd love your advice.
There was a comment in a previous post that got me thinking. My friend asked, summed up, "Why read spiritual books?" Stephen and I sat down and asked ourselves that same question. Why do we spend time reading books? What good are they? Is it worth the time? Granted, I am in a unique season that allows for me to spend extended time in my devotions reading. But if you too, have asked yourself these questions, I'll share our thoughts with you.
There is value in seeing the Lord, His word and the Gospel, through the eyes of others. Have you ever attended a Bible study? had a conversation with a friend? Chances are, a person will make a remark and leave you thinking, "Wow, I never thought of it that way." Oftentimes, when Stephen and I are talking about a message or the passage we read in our devotions, each of us will have additional thoughts to share, that the Lord didn't reveal to the other. The same is true for reading books by various Christian authors. For example, C.H. Spurgeon probably has some thoughts on prayer that haven't occurred to me.
God's attributes are infinite. For example, I will never fully understand the love of God until I reach heaven. Until then, there is a wealth of books to reveal His glory more clearly to me.
What about you? What are you reading now? What has been the most helpful book you've read?
More to come tomorrow...
I Thessalonians 5:16-18