
Sneaky, Sneaky

Is this what "caught red-handed" means? Charis doesn't miss a thing. All I do is leave the room for two seconds and she grabs the container (that was supposedly out of her reach) and tries to stuff as many puffs as possible into her mouth. Is this any indication of what she is going to be like as a walker?


Megan said...

hehe... that made me smile. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That is soooooooo funny!! That a way Charis. She knows when to make a move. She even looks guilty!! ha!ha! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

looks like the littlest is taking after my childhood tendencies... mmm the proud aunt.
charis, as long as they aren't looking...

Anonymous said...

um there wasn't supposed to be an 'e' at the end of my name...

Jen said...

Agreed...she looks very guilty! She gets that from them Altrogge genes.

So looking forward to seeing you this weekend! Miss you.

P.S. I was wondering about the first spelling.