
You must know I loathe the dentist. I am good about making my appointments, but almost as soon as I walk out of the office carefree from my appointment, I begin dreading the next. It's a never-ending cycle. I've never had a cavity, but live in fear of the day I do. . . or even worse. . . a root canal.

I scheduled my dentist appointment for right after Charis' nap so that she would supposedly be in a good mood and supposedly play contentedly for the fifteen minutes (that seems like an eternity when you're in that chair) while my teethe were being cleaned.

First, I was due for x-rays. The nice receptionist lady, we'll call her Glenda, takes Charis for the couple seconds it takes to snap the pic of my teeth. She shows Chairs the fish tank, and while my baby isn't amused, she isn't crying for me. Back in the room and into the stroller. The nice dental hygienist prods my teeth with a mini pitch fork. Charis is fine.

Then, the D.H. leans my chair back. I'm not thinking about the horrible drill-like scrubber that is nearing my mouth, because Charis is starting to lose it. She can't see me anymore and is bombarded with the terribly loud sound of the instrument previously described.

Finally, Glenda comes back in to try to help. No fish tank. No luck. Baby wants her mommy. Then, Glenda asks if she can set my little girlie on my lap. Problem solved. And there she was, happy as can be, for the rest of my appointment. Not a peep (except ones of glee).

No cavities. Each got a toothbrush out of it. I'm already dreading my next appointment.


Megan said...

Oh my goodness... yes, I was never brave enough to bring Isabel with me. I'm in the same boat as you though, never had a cavity but always dread going to my check-up? What's the deal with us?

Jen said...

I don't know...its like a c-section is a cinch, but a cavity??? No way! Haha.

Megan said...

btw, great job getting the most disgusting dentist chair picture ever.. it really served in making your point :-)

Jen said...

Haha. Isn't that how it feels???

Vicki said...

I have several cavities - probably about 4 and I have never had Novocain for any of them. They tried once and I took one look at the needle that was literally about 6 inches long and said, "No thank-you!"

A few years ago however I did have to have some dental work done. Evidently I brush too hard and wore some of my gums away and they had to fix this. Out came the killer needle again. I told the doctor, "no thanks" again and he laughed. He said - you won't be able to get through this without it. I laughed back and said, "oh yes I can. You are not putting that needle in my mouth. Why is it so huge anyway?” Well he started and after about 3 minutes I had to stop him and overcome my fear of the killer needle. He was right - there was no way I could stand it.

I told him to cover up the needle, then I closed my eyes and told him not to let me see it and to do it quick. He could tell I was a major sissy so he put some topical numbing agent on first and then did the needle. I didn't feel it too much and then I was able to deal with everything else he had to do.

I too am not a fan of the dentist.

Jen said...

Ahh...no novocain! Oh man, I don't know which is worse. I am sure I wouldn't have been able to stand the pain of those cavities and the first three minutes of the other work. I echo your question, "Why is that needle so big anyway?" As if we're not already terrified to begin with, they whip out that! From your tales, I probably could have assumed you weren't a huge fan either.