
Links I Love

Here's a couple sites I love and visit regularly. They say a lot about me, too.

1. Anybody who has ever read this blog already knows I have an obsession with the Weather Channel's website. I check it every morning when I wake up and unfortunately numerous times after. What do you expect? I can't remember the percentage chance of precipitation as easily as you would think.

2. Making lists gives me a "runners high" without the strenuous part. Ahh, getting all the info buzzing around in my head, off my mind feels great. Since I met and fell in love with Remember the Milk, an online to do list and task manager, my life has never been the same. I have lists from "Books To Read" to "To Do Before the Pastors' College" to "To Do This Hour" (just kidding about the last one, but I bet it wouldn't surprise most of you). The simple layout of this site works well for me.

3. Fortunately, Charis takes naps which enables me to have free time (when I am not making my hundredth list of the day or accomplishing tasks from another). One of the ways I enjoy relaxing is watching HGTV online. No cable? No problem. All their shows are free to watch. So far, I have watched the entire season of Design Star 3. Some of the programs are only twenty minutes long, and it's easy to take a quick sit-down without having to catch-up by watching the previous episodes.

4. Finally, Allrecipes is perfect for the non-creative-can't-throw-20-ingredients-into-a-pot-and-it-come-out-fit-to-eat type of cook like me. I search by ingredient, title or even just skim the photos for ideas. Mmm.

Any links you'd recommend I visit?


Megan said...

I am a big fan of your first two links. I don't use Remember The Milk as much as I should, but plan to use it a bunch in the next two weeks. Too many things to keep track of right now... as I'm sure you can relate.
Another site I use a bit is http://www.kraftfoods.com/kf
They have simple, inexpensive meal recipes. And I'm also a big fan of their dessert ideas.

Stephanie said...

Hey Jen, there is this great, uplifting site called "The Blazing Center..."

Seriously, I like reading both Abraham Piper's blog, and his wife Molly's. There are often good spiritual truths for one to mull over, as well as helps for daily living. Also included are some pretty funny antics of their son, Orison, which may be fun and helpful for you as the mom of a growing youngster.


Jen said...

I too am a huge fan of Kraft's website, although I don't us it as much as I should. Good reminder! I too have enjoyed some of their desserts. They're yummy, easy ideas.

Since I am married to Stephen, who knows every blog that ever was, I do occasionally read the two blogs you recommended. You're right, sometimes they're good for a laugh and other times they're good for a good spiritual truth.

Steve said...

Hi Jen, we are looking forward to you and Stephen coming to Gaithersburg! Thanks for the tip about Remember The Milk. Laura only a week ago was saying that she felt like she needed a task list organizer. Do you and Stephen share a single task list and have one login, or do you have different accounts and share aspects of your task lists?

Jen said...


We're looking forward to meeting your family as well.

Stephen and I have separate logins. We do not share lists, even though I know it is possible to do with rtm and other online task managers. I guess that's where good communication comes in handy!