This week I had "one of those days." I woke up in the morning, felt exceptionally rested and got a whole lot done during the day. I was organizing boxes from when we moved, clearing out old clothes from our closet, etc. At some point during the day, it hit me. I felt good because I had been productive. I was more cheerful than normal because I had gotten more done than normal. I failed to see that I need Christ and that my joy is found only in Him.
After I do my devotions in the morning, I try to pray that God would strenthen me to serve my family throughout the day. It does not take very long before I am "running on my own fuel." My storehouses of strength quickly run dry. In His ministry, Paul said, "For this I toil, struggling with all His energy that He powerfully works within me." (Colossians 1:29) He knew that apart from the Lord, He could do nothing. I make lists of things to do and mentally plan out the day, all without remembering where my help comes from. My help comes from the Lord. He alone posseses all the energy for me to fulfill what He has callled me to do.
Whenever I am more joyful on a day like this, it is a sure sign that I am placing my hope in something other than the cross. In essence, I am believing that my hard work earns for me joy and right-standing with God, that the cross cannot. The opposite is true. God is pleased with me because of the unchanging work of Christ dying on the cross. He is pleased with me on days I do not get out of my pajamas until 1:00, just as much as He is when I organize my house from top to bottom. There is joy to be found in every day, knowing Christ purchased it for me.
I am learning the necessity of turning to the Lord in prayer at times like this. He has abundant strength for me to serve through the day. In Him, there is unending joy, from when I rise until when rest my head at bed, regardless of the day's outcome.
oy. so true. thanks so much for this reminder - i will be thinking about it this week.
Thanks, Sara.
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