
I'm a Maniac

I must admit, I oftentimes find Stephen and I "oooing and aahing" over Charis doing little things. I have even said, "Stephen look, she raised her eyebrow. How cute." I am sure all parents are doomed to think their kids are the cutest things, so here is some of what Charis has done recently to bring a smile to my face:

  • arching her back approximately 180 degrees in an effort to roll over
  • squealing with delight and sometimes when she is not delighted, but quite disgusted; let's just say, she squeals a lot
  • frequently sticking her tongue out
  • whenever I say, "I'm gonna get you," beginning in a low, manly voice and ending in a shrill, high one, she gets pretty excited
  • grinning from ear to ear when Stephen sings "I'm a Maniac" while shuffling her feet
  • talking to herself in her crib after we put her to sleep at night, that is until she realizes it is not mobile time, but sleep time

We probably smile five times for every one time she smiles. She brings us inexplicable joy.


Anonymous said...

i miss you!!!

Jen said...

we miss you...there's all boys (+your mom) at your house now...praying