
Before we headed home to visit our families, the three of us had our own suburb-ian Christmas. (Note Charis' Christmasy, penguin pjs)

Now that we live with a family who has a daughter a couple years older than Charis, our girlie has been exposed to all the pink and purple toys one could wish for. Here she's playing with the baby, crib and blankie set they gave her for Christmas. "Baby" is offically her second word (an enthusiastic, drawn out "hi" was her first and now we are greeted by her whether we've been out running errands or just in the powder room).

Speaking of speaking (nervous laugh), Charis has been repeating a lot of our words. Gagoo is cookie (or cracker for that matter) and gigi is blankie. When we pray, the words, "In Jesus' name we pray," are her cue to utter an emphatic "A-ma!" In addition to her expanding vocabulary, she is catching on to the tune to Amazing Grace. So cute. She has a singing voice and all. Sometimes if I leave her in her crib after she wakes up, she'll sing if she thinks she's alone.

Sorry for this picture, but nobody looks good after they roll out of bed, right? Photoshop, Beth?


Megan said...

heh! Cute, miss you guys :-)

Vicki said...

Wow! That is what you look like when you roll out of bed?!?

You guys look great. Hope your Christmas was wonderful and you enjoyed the few days to yourself...

Stephanie said...

Gosh. Look at what I miss from just looking at the little "Google Reader" bubble- a new web layout and everything. You probably changed it a long time ago.

And, we look the same all of the time. Maybe the desert is petrifying us.

Enjoy your vacation time.