
Christmas Tea

This weekend, the pastors college wives were treated to a Christmas Tea. A number of ladies worked extremely hard and planned and cooked to execute this event. The decorations and table settings were beautiful. We were treated to an array of fancy foods, and we laughed a lot. Did I mention the food was delicious? Mmmm. So for those of you at home, here's a picture of all the pc wives with Betsy and Julie (minus two of our gals).


Anonymous said...

the gal next to you looks familiar to me, but I am sure it isn't someone I know... that would be too weird. There doesn't happen to be a Carol next to you on the steps, does there?
:) random, I know.

Jen said...

Ha. You crack me up. Sorry, no Carol in that picture!

Anonymous said...

What lovely women! And the best smile is right in the middle!

Mary Ann K.

Katie Redfern said...


I've been following your blog for a while now... I'm trying to find an old post of yours about a time when the PC wives were treated to a surprise outing--restaurant, maybe spa treatment? This is the only thing similar I could find. I wanted to show this to a friend of mine... We have a small seminary at our church & I'd love to do something like this for the students' wives. Can you post the link to that post here in your comments, so that I can pass it on? Thanks! :)