
Rainy Day

Stephen conveniently forgot his lunch today, so Charis and I ventured out into the rain to drop it off. Every time we pull up to the church, she exclaims with glee, "DADDY!" Charis got daddy time and chocolate out of this little venture, hence the ear-to-ear grin.

And you're not missing much hair action under the hood. While the back is growing into a voluminous bundle of hair (almost pony-tail length), the sides still show little sign of growth, which leaves our little girl with a mullet and a mo-hawk at the same time.


I am happy to report that we finally had a real snow. I'm not talking about a dusting that causes Marylanders to go nuts about, clearing out all the bread, milk and toilet paper at Target. I'm talking 4-5 inches of snow. So we bundled up, grabbed the sleds and hit the hills.

Below Charis is doing the hand motions to the, "Poop," song (a.k.a. Pooh), as she so clearly pronounces, that goes something like, "When I up, down, touch the ground it puts me in the mood. Up, down, touch the ground in the mood for food. I am stout, round, and I have found speaking poundage wise, I improve my appetite when i exercise!" (and no, I don't have the lyrics memorized...yet...I googled them). What a smile that jingle brings to her face.

As Stephen and I rose in the morning to snow-covered everything, we reminisced about our cozy, white winters back home. For all of my Southern friends, I'm rejoicing with you in this dumping!