Here's one way to buy some time while you're moving the summer clothes out and the winter ones in. This will contain 'em for a good 5 minutes. . . the little ones, that is. And yes, I do realize it's still 101 degrees out. Can you tell I love fall? Is there any danger in giving a 1 year old hangers to play with???
most of the boxes are out of our room
we miss you all
but love our host family
charis loves the family's children
as do we
they make her laugh
i've kept busy
picking berries
laughing with and learning from l.b.
going to a movie
spilling things left and right
meeting the pc wives
pushing charis in the infant tree-swing
talking with Stephen on the wrap-around porch
memorizing directions to target
For those of you wondering, we are still alive. . . just very busy. It is my hope to keep up the blog while we're away, but the posts will definitely be sparse in the upcoming weeks. We're heading out on August 16th, and Stephen's classes will begin on the 25th. In between, I have a ladies' luncheon, and we have orientation as a couple. From what many have alluded to, we will be busy. Unless you hear otherwise, just assume everything is peachy-keen.
The pc wives have been communicating via e-mail, and I have also been in contact with the family we will be living with. From the few conversations I have had with the wife, I have already learned from her godly example.
Some funny goings-on:
Charis has now mastered the forward army crawl. Not only that, but she does a funny split thing to get from sitting to a creeping position. I'll have to get a picture of it.
She has learned how to play peek-a-boo and blow kisses, but often does not fully execute. Therefore, she's often at the dinner table with her hands over her eyes for 10 minutes because she's forgotten the release.